Conditions We Treat
Back Pain
Everyone at some point in time will experience back pain. And we are here to ensure it does not return! Studies show that unless specific strengthening after a back injury is completed, recurrence of back pain is more than likely, as muscles do not strengthen on their own.
we have extensive experience in treating all conditions of the spine
• Disc injury
• Facet joint pain
• Nerve root/ sciatic-type pain
• Scoliosis
• Stenosis
• Degenerative back conditions
• Sacro-iliac joint dysfunction
• Poor core stability
Ankle & Foot Conditions
A sprained ankle should never be ignored. The biggest risk factor of an ankle sprain is a previous ankle sprain! Come down for some hands on treatment, strengthening and appropriate return to sport/ activity exercise. We have our awesome podiatrist Alice Wharam to hand should you need any advice about orthotics (shoe inserts), trainer/ boot/ shoe choices or even medical interventions such as injections.
• Other conditions we treat include:
• Plantar fasciitis
• Stress fractures (return to sport programmes)
• Post operative rehabilitation of all foot and ankle conditions
• Achilles and posterior tibial tendinopathy
• Shin splints (Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome)
Neck Pain
There is nothing worse than a pain in the neck! For a speedy recovery from any neck pain such as:
• Disc injury
• Whiplash
• Joint injury/ locked facet joint
• Stress related neck/ shoulder pain
• Nerve root pain referring down the arm/ hand/ into the face
• Headaches related to neck pain
It is vital that we get your joints in your neck working as well as possible, and that we assist this by improving your posture, managing your risk areas such as sleeping position, desk work, gym and sport.
Shoulder & Elbow Pain
The shoulder has to be the most complicated joint in the body as it relies on muscles rather than structure to maintain it in place. It is a joint that responds really well to good, hands-on therapy and specific rehabilitation exercises.
Some of the types of shoulder pain we love to treat are:
• SLAP lesions
• Labral tears (e.g. Bankhart)
• Rotator cuff tears
• Frozen Shoulder
• Shoulder instability
• Injuries to the bursa
• AC joint injuries
• Post-operative rehabilitation
And let’s not forget the elbow! An integral part of all racket/ bat/ club sports, your elbow is often the victim of a stiff shoulder or a weak wrist! Some of the conditions we see at the clinic include:
• Tennis elbow (Lateral epicondylitis)
• Golfer’s elbow (Medial epicondylitis)
• Chronic forearm fatigue
Knee Pain
A sore knee can ruin your day, even if you are just sitting in a chair. The knee is a hinge joint that is reliant on the joints above and below it to behave! It responds well to mobilisation, and exercises for the whole kinetic chain... from pelvis to toes (and sometimes higher!).
Knee conditions we see include:
• Anterior knee pain
• Rehabilitation for ligament damage: ACL (Anterior cruciate), MCL (medial collateral)
• Patella tendinopathy
• Patella dislocation/ instability
• ITB (Iliotibial Band) Syndrome
Hip Pain
The field of hip injuries in sport has taken off in the last ten years with the improvement in both diagnostics and surgical techniques. In our clinic we take a holistic approach to hip injuries, making sure the whole kinetic chain is working well... from your feet to your head in order to give the hip the best possible chance to work at its optimum.
Some conditions we see include:
• Degeneration of the hip
• Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI)
• Gluteus medius tendinopathy and trochanteric bursitis
• Groin injuries such as ostetitis pubis, adductor strain, iliopsoas strain
Muscular Injuries
Whether it is a hamstring strain keeping you from your next rugby game, or a longstanding niggly calf strain, we will be able to diagnose, treat and rehabilitate you back to your best. All our therapists are active themselves, and know how important it is to miss as little training and game time as possible so they will advise you not only on how to get better quicker (and help you with hands on treatment), but will help keep you fit during your rehabilitation, as well as preventing the issue coming back again.
Biomechanical issues are so often the cause of muscular injuries, and through the use of analysis tools we will do our best to align you
Hand & Wrist Conditions
A hand therapist will help optimise your recovery following any injury, or onset of any pain in the hand or wrist. Many people think that ‘nothing can be done’ for injuries of the fingers or wrist or that arthritis to the hand or fingers can’t be helped and this is not the case. We can help you manage these conditions and restore the normal functional use of your hand, so that you can get back to doing the activities that you enjoy. We not only provide hands on therapy for the injuries listed here but we also provide an extensive splinting service too.
What conditions can be treated.
• Basal thumb/ wrist arthritis
• Carpal tunnel syndrome
• Cubital tunnel syndrome
• Trigger finger
• Chronic pain
• Fractures
• Tendon repairs
• Nerve injuries
• Tendinosis
• Tennis/golfers elbow
Arthritic Conditions
At our clinic, age is just a number, and if you enjoy activity of any description, we will do our best to keep you doing it! We have a great understanding of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and whether it is your:
• Knee
• Hip
• Ankle
• Shoulder
• Back
• Neck
We will give you specific exercises and advice on your condition.